Holiday Subluxations in Council Bluffs IA
Holiday Subluxations in Council Bluffs IA
With Christmas and other holidays on the horizon, we get caught up in the season and that can contribute to subluxations in the spine. Right now that may be putting together toys, putting up the tree and decorations and of course, snow removal. Contact your local Council Bluffs IA chiropractors at Schanuth Family Chiropractic today!
Things That Cause Subluxations in Council Bluffs IA
Make sure that you have time to destress, whether it's a long relaxing shower or a drive in the car to look at Christmas lights. Take time to relax and enjoy the time with the family. Remember that school will start back soon enough. Three things cause subluxations in the spine:
- Trauma - Trauma being the easiest to describe, it encompasses not only accidents and injuries but also our everyday activities. These cause stress in the spine and left unchecked, which can lead to degeneration, pain, and pressure on the nerves.
- Thoughts - Thoughts may have the greatest effect on our bodies during this time of year. Many people can suffer depression brought on by the holiday season but also mental stress can take a toll on us as well. Whether it's the in-laws that are just so helpful to mention everything that could be better about the decorations and dinner to the "Cousin Eddy" that we all have.
- Toxins - Toxins include food, medicines, and drugs. We all know the effects alcohol can have on the system but eating too much of the good tasting/bad for you food can have an effect on your system and make you feel sluggish. I would not deny yourself treats or a big Christmas feast but I would avoid cookies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Make sure to drink plenty of water and throw in some vegetables with the party foods, just to shake things up.
To combat the three T's, make sure you are getting adjusted. Getting adjusted not only relieves pain and stress to the spine but acts on the brain to make sure the chemicals and neurotransmitters are all in balance. This will ensure that you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We are closed the entire week of Christmas but will be back to serve our patients on Monday the 30th. Also, don't forget that we are still collecting canned food and housing essentials for the Micah House until the 31st. As always, Have a Well-Adjusted Day.
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