Schanuth Family Chiropractic Blog

Adjustments Can Reduce the Chances of Getting the Flu in Council Bluffs IA

Adjustments Can Reduce the Chances of Getting the Flu in Council Bluffs IA

Adjustments can reduce the chances of getting the flu in Council Bluffs IA It is that time of year again when we have to start our cars in the morning, get the kids bundled up for school and worry about the dreaded flu virus in Council Bluffs IA. Many people take precautionary measures by getting…

Council Bluffs Chiropractic Clinic Describes Stretching

Council Bluffs IA Chiropractic Clinic Describes Stretching

Council Bluffs IA Chiropractic Clinic Describes Stretching Stretching and Chiropractic Treatment Chiropractic treatment from our team at our Council Bluffs IA chiropractic office often includes advice on stretching and movements that can help increase blood flow. Stretching is free and can be done practically anywhere at any time. Stretching requires no special equipment, is low…

Invest in the Future of Your Health in Council Bluffs IA

Invest in the Future of Your Health in Council Bluffs IA

Invest in the Future of Your Health in Council Bluffs IA As a Council Bluffs IA chiropractor, most people feel that all we do is treat neck pain and back pain. While patients that get adjusted with those issues more often than not see the relief of pain, that is not our primary goal. Our…

Manipulation vs Adjustment in Council Bluffs IA

Manipulation vs Adjustment in Council Bluffs IA

Manipulations vs Adjustments in Council Bluffs IA In chiropractic and physical therapy, manipulation and adjustment are often used interchangeably. Some Council Bluffs IA chiropractors even use both of them when explaining what it is that we provide to our patients. However, there is a difference between these words. Physical therapists and massage therapists often manipulate…

Council Bluffs IA Chiropractic Office is Different from the Rest

Council Bluffs IA Chiropractic Office is Different from the Rest

Council Bluffs IA Chiropractic Office is Different from the Rest What makes our office different from the other offices in town? We accept many of the same insurances including Iowa Medicaid and Blue Cross and Blue Shield. There are so many things that separate us from the crowd but the one that I think stands…

Does My Insurance Cover Chiropractic in Council Bluffs IA?

Does My Insurance Cover Chiropractic in Council Bluffs IA?

Does my insurance cover chiropractic care in Council Bluffs IA? We do try to work with our patients so that they can afford the care that they need, even if the insurance doesn’t cover it. Our goal is to help our Council Bluffs IA community be healthier and happier. That’s why we treat your spine…